Domiciliary Care

Domiciliary care, sometimes called home care, is rapidly becoming a popular alternative to residential and nursing care. Domiciliary care enables those with varying care needs (through illness, long-term medical issues or old age) to remain in their own home indefinitely, or for a longer period of time than was previously possible.

Home care can be offered in a number of capacities – and the intensity and frequency of visits will depend on individual circumstances and care needs. Some only need intensive domiciliary care for short periods of time, whilst others simply need low-level, long-term care

Services available

Personal CareYour home carer is able to undertake personal care necessities, helping you to get up in the morning, washing, bathing, dressing, toileting, bed making and many other daily activities with which you may require assistance and support.

Preparation of Meals and SnacksYour home carer can prepare your breakfast, mid – day meal or supper and any other snacks and drinks that you may require during the day. The home carer will be able to sit with you while you have your meal for conversation or companionship. At Elden Care Solutions we recognise and respond to cultural and religious preferences, we see it’s important to seek the correct information i.e. the types of food you would like prepared, preferred times you like to have your meals prepared.

Medication – your home carer will be trained to administer your medication should you require any assistance. All carers are trained to administer different forms of medication including tablets, capsules, and liquid medicines given by mouth; ear, eye and nasal drops, inhalers, and external applications i.e. creams.

Personal Activitiesyour home carer can help with personal activities such as preparing shopping lists/doing the shopping, helping you to manage personal affairs such as birthdays and other anniversaries and with your permission can collect your pension and prescriptions. We can also sit with you and keep you company, go out with you on walks, accompany you to appointments and on trips out. Your exact needs will have been identified as part of your Care Plan development.

Domestic and Household serviceyour home carer will be willing to undertake light domestic duties such as vacuuming, dusting, general cleaning, washing up and personal laundry, subject to certain restrictions which will be discussed with you when your Care Plan is drawn up.